Get Involved: Schools
6th, 7th and 8th Grade Classes
The DiscoverE Future City Competition affords an excellent opportunity for applying elements of the math, science, computer science, social studies, language arts, and art curricula to hands-on projects that capture the imagination and stoke the creative problem solving abilities of students in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades.
The Competition is open to any public, private, parochial or home school.
Registration fee is only $25 and the budget for materials used on the project is limited to $100 per team, putting the program within reach of even the most resource-challenged schools. FC provides the SimCity software to begin the virtual city design, as well as a Teacher Handbook with detailed rules and information and tips on how to incorporate the program into the curriculum. We will even help in finding an engineer- volunteer if needed.
There is also additional information in the Handbook and online on how the Future City program meets the national standards for math, science, and technology education.

The Future City Competition has been approved for inclusion on the National Advisory List of Student Contests, produced by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) through its National Committee on Student Contests and Activities.
Interested? Register Now!
Register your school today for this exciting and fun learning opportunity. Or, if you have more questions, contact the Regional Coordinator.
Youth Groups
Beginning with the 2012-13 program, eligible non-school-based youth groups (e.g., Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boys & Girls Clubs) are invited to participate in the Future City program. To find out if your group is eligible, contact the Regional Coordinator.
4th and 5th Grade Groups
Check out the North Texas Regional Future City Junior competition.